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Članek: EEA Signals 2012 - Building the future we want

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V angleščini je izšla je publikacija Signals 2012. Zanimivo je, da je na spletu poleg v obliki PDF dostopna še v oblikah za e-knjige: .epub in .mobi (za naprave Kindle), dobi se pa tudi v tiskani obliki. Kmalu bo izšla tudi v slovenskem prevodu.
Objavljen: 15 06 2012
Avtor: Albert Kolar
Jezik: English
Pokritost ozemlja: Not applicable
Ključne besede: signali okolje svet trajnostni razvoj
Vir: EEA
URL naslov:

Signals 2012 brings together environmental issues such as sustainability, green economy, water, waste, food, governance and knowledge sharing. It is prepared in the context of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development — Rio 2012. This year's Signals will give you a flavour of how consumers, forward-thinking businesses and policymakers can make a difference by combining new technological tools — from satellite observations to online platforms. It will also suggest creative and effective solutions to preserve the environment.

Please note that this story expired on 15.07.2012